
2015/06/26 09:53:02   2538   用手機打開   作者:世貿通移民   在線咨詢


The Irish Legal System


Ireland‟s legal system is somewhat unique. While it is derived from the Englishcommon law tradition, the past seventy years have seen the Irish legal system undergo a process of dynamic development at the initiative of both the judiciary and the legislature. The achievement of independence in 1921 marked a break from the British system and was followed by the enactment of the Irish Constitution by the People in 1937. This laid out the fundamental principles upon which the State was to be governed and also incorporated extensive fundamental rights provisions. Changes to the legal system have been introduced as a consequence of Ireland‟s membership of the European Union, the most significant of which has been the subordination of national law to European law within its sphere of competence.

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